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How to measure almost everything on your bow.


If you want to verify the length of your riser you can measure the overall length.It's usually an odd number and the lengths are in 2" increments. Standard riser lengths are 23", 25", 27". While there are other sizes out there these are the most common.

Riser length


Limb length can be a bit confusing as there are 2 different ways they are labelled. The common lengths are:

  • short (or 66")

  • medium (or 68")

  • long (or 70")


While some manufacturers use short, medium, and long on their labels, others mark limbs with an overall bow length measurement in inches that assumes they will be used with a 25" riser. That's not to say those limbs can only be used with that length riser, but that's just how they label them. Those limbs will be labelled as 66", 68", 70".


The sample limb labels shown here all represent 28 lb medium limbs. Some include the overall bow length and draw weight if they were used on a 23" riser also.​​

Limb Labels.png


Here is a general guide for determining bow length:

Bow Length Chart

Related article: See How to order a custom string

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